How to Install and configure LAMP-server (Linux, Apache, MariaDB/MySQL, PHP) in CentOS/RHEL 7

LAMP is an acronym denoting the set of (complex) server software, widely used in the World Wide Web. LAMP is named after the first letters of its constituent components:

  • Linux is the Linux operating system;
  • Apache is a Web server;
  • Mariadb/MySQL is a database management system;
  • PHP is a programming language used to create Web applications (other than PHP can mean other languages such as Perl and Python).


How to Install and configure VPN-server (OpenVPN) in CentOS/RHEL 7

OpenVPN is a free implementation of the technology of virtual private network (VPN) with open source software to create encrypted channels, point-to-point or server-to-client between computers. It allows you to establish connections between computers behind a NAT firewall, without having to change their settings.

SSL/TLS-certificates for lazy people

In a nutshell, the SSL/TLS certificate (SSL: Secure Sockets Layer, TLS: Transport Layer Security) is a unique digital signature for the secure connection between the client and the server.
Creating SSL certificate can be divided into the following steps:

  • create a personal key (Private Key);
  • create a query to retrieve the certificate (Certificate Signing Request);
  • creating a self-signed (Self-Signed Certificate).


How to Install and configure DNS-server (bind) in CentOS/RHEL 7

Bind (Berkeley Internet Name Daemon) is also known as the default – this is the best known and most used DNS server on the Internet. I will try to describe how to install and configure the service in the chrooted environment (chroot operation changes the root directory in Unix-like operating systems. program started with altered root directory will only have access to the files contained in this directory, so if you want to allow the program to access other directories or file systems (for example, /proc), it is necessary to mount the necessary directories in the target directory or device.).

Synology Test Lab

Synology Test Lab
The contents of test laboratory for Synology Repository
1. APC Smart UPS 750;
2. 2 x 3Com 3CDSG8;
3. Apple TV (aTV3) for PlexConnect testing;
4. Apple Mac Mini (i7-3720QM @ 2.60GHz, 16GB RAM): VMware vSphere 5.5.0 with virtual machines for cross-compiling;
5. Synology DS1813+ (Intel Atom D2700 @ 2.13GHz, 4GB RAM);
6. Synology DS713+ (Intel Atom D2700 @ 2.13GHz, 2GB RAM).

New Ubiquiti Controllers for Synology

Information for users of repository
I offer you a new version of Ubiquiti Controllers for Synology:

  • UniFi Wireless Controller (former UniFi Controller version 3.xx, for those who use the controller only to access points).
  • UniFi Controller (new UniFi Controller version 4.xx, for those who use the controller to the access points and other equipment from the UniFi Switching & Routing equipment).
  • mFi Controller (controller form mPower and mPort devices).

The main difference of the new packages:
